Browsing CategoryOther Investments

Investment Ideas for the Young Entrepreneur

Not only are entrepreneurs ambitious, but have been found to exhibit specific personal qualities that help them to succeed in business. Those in this line of work have an ability to invest, sell and innovate in order to develop commercial opportunities. But what about the younger generation in this field? Read below for an insight into what today’s young entrepreneurs are spending their time and money on, and why. Start-ups The ability to face high risk situations is stressful to general populations, yet adept management of uncertainty is one of the most commonly shared attributes amongst entrepreneurs. The youngest in…

Understanding the Complex World of Private Equity Investing

Private equity funds are complex financial constructions, but ones that can provide a wealth of additional funding for companies. In fact, without private equity, entrepreneurship couldn’t flourish. Managers like Marc Leder, who works for Sun Capital Partners, together with others, fund in excess of 50,000 deals each year, worth billions of dollars. But what is private equity, and how does it run into the billions? What Is Private Equity? The name really explains what private equity is: money from private sources. Usually, those sources are high net worth people who want to invest in companies that they believe will grow.…

The Most Popular Investment Scams: Learn To Be Aware

Investing is one of those things that everyone knows they need to do, but not everyone is an expert in the process. As a result, through the years, we’ve seen various investment scams pop up. Today, we’ll talk about some of the most common forms of investment scams and provide some tips to ensure that you’re not the next victim! Scam Brokers One of the biggest investment scams out there today lies in brokers. Unfortunately, there are several scam brokers that make it their mission to steal the money they receive from unsuspecting victims. In general, this scam works by…

Investment Advice for Using Settlement Money Wisely

January of 2017 has gone down in the record books as the year with the most deadly winter tornadic activity on record since 1950 when storms began being journaled. While many states in the southeast were spared the brunt of the activity, Georgia saw total devastation in many cities, especially Albany, where mile wide swaths of trees were felled, factories collapsed and homes ripped from their foundations to be carried miles away with the storms being on ground for more than an hour at a time! During the cleanup, there was a potential to be injured due to extremely hazardous…

Best value capital city growth suburbs in Australia 1st Quarter 2017

Are you set on investing in Australia real estate this year? If you’ve been holding off your property investment since the past year, then right now is the best time to acquire home mortgages in Australia. Let’s talk about the suburbs within 20km of capital CBD that is currently affordable, and show a good potential for further capital growth, according to a new report released by PRDnationwide research team. The suburbs were evaluated on short and midterm median house price growth, the volume of sales, online interest, median rental price, rental yield, and vacancy rates. PRDnationwide Chairman and Managing Director,…