Posts Tagged“business”

Mike Giuffrida – 7 Key Skills To Being A Great Entrepreneur

Mike Giuffrida reveals his keys to being a great entrepreneur. Not only are these great skills which you should possess, but we can consider them his most well-kept secrets. Mike and I attended school together, at the Hartford Primary School and then at Southington College and he remains my friend to this day. Let’s have a look at some of his insights into being great entrepreneur. 1. Be the master trainer of your staff. When you bring a new person to your team, a robust onboarding process will guarantee that they know their responsibilities and what to avoid. This will…

Reasons Why Promotional Merchandise Works

Some businesses don’t feel like giving something out for free since they are not getting anything back. If you think this way, you need to change the way you think. Promotional merchandise works, and a lot of people could potentially buy your products if you use free stuff wisely. You can choose personalised t-shirt printing since it is one of the most effective strategies several brands have used over the years. If you still don’t believe in the power of promotional merchandise, there are other reasons to convince you. You don’t spend a lot You need to spend money on…

Why retailers shouldn’t ignore visual merchandising

Flick through a newspaper or visit a news website and it will be likely you’ll quickly come across an article about a struggling major retail chain. There are still some strategies available for retailers to maximise their sales revenue though, such as visual merchandising. If you’re a bit confused about what is meant by visual merchandising or need help setting up an effective strategy around your store, this guide is sure to assist. Join us as we advise on how to design and introduce visual merchandising in a manner that should see your company’s profit margin receive a boost… What…

Some valuable advice from the senior traders

When you reach a certain age limit, your life and career come into your own hand. When you start living on your own, it might be a little hard for you. Because you are going to lead a life that you are not accustomed to. But, if you can get any help from others, it would be easier for you to start living on your own. In the case of a profession, it is also a good thing to get suggestions from elders. In this article, we are going to show you some precautions. They will help you to be…

Consulting for Business Success

When you’re running a start up you have to be aware that you’re the underdog. You don’t have a reputation to fall back on, you don’t have departments full of specialists and lawyers, and you don’t have a deep war chest of collected profits. You’ve got clarity of purpose, you’ve got a persuasive idea and you’ve got investment – but your investors are going to be looking at how you spend it and if it looks like you’re squandering their resources the stream could dry up! What you also lack is experience. Start up founders and workers are overwhelmingly young,…