Posts Tagged“finance”

Cathedral Bank2 Investment Banking

One of the most efficient and professional offshore banking providers that people can invest in is the Cathedral Investment Bank. With their operations in approximately 7 countries, they have gladly served over 10,000 customers in about 35 nations from all around the world. Cathedral Investment Bank, as well as Cathedral Investments and Cathedral International plays a major role in being a part of a financial international group, which offers mostly investment banking services to customers. The staff at Cathedral Investment bank assist individuals by funding their projects of more than USD $50,000,000.00. This amount or above, is mandatory in that…

History of the Stock Exchange

If you mention stocks or the stock exchange, most people today know what you are referring to, even if they do not deal in stocks themselves or trade. The New York Stock Exchange has a long and rich history with a birth that began in the mid 1700’s. In the late 1700’s, the United States began looking for ways to increase investments, boost the economy, and engage people. 1792, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) acquired its first traded securities and the now global giant was born. The Birth of the NYSE The 24 brokers who signed the trade securities…

Will Bitcoin ever become mainstream?

Milton Friedman made a prediction in 1999 that the internet would be one of the major forces that would redefine and also limit the active role of government. The only thing keeping that from becoming a reality was a reliable e-cash, that allowed for quick and easy money exchange across the internet for goods or services. Back as far as 1982, computer scientist David Chaum introduced the concept of a cryptographic digital currency. He later founded “Digi-cash” and then developed “e-cash” but they did not succeed. Since then many others have tried and have failed, until now.  Bitcoin is promising to…