Browsing CategoryOther Investments

Great Ways to Invest Your Cash

Ever since I started work at age 15 I have always hd it in mind that I should save a good percentage of my wages. I regularly saved between 25-20% of anything I earned and my savings stood me in good stead when it was time to buy my first car, first home and put some money away for my children. As a result of my savings strategy I was left with a very healthy savings account balance and I decided that after so many years of being frugal that I would make a chance with some of my money…

Keys To Investing Overseas

Investors are often advised to look to international markets for good investment opportunities, because of the potential for increased returns on their portfolio and to diversify their risk. However, although the benefits of investing internationally are widely accepted, many investors are still reluctant. There are many important factors to consider. Currency Volatility One key area of concern for investors is in the area of currency volatility. When investing directly in a foreign market, you have to exchange your domestic currency into a foreign currency, at that days exchange rate, to buy the foreign stock. You will convert it back to…

Marc Leder Wants To Be One Of The Best Private Equity Investors Ever

The word “best” should actually not be thrown around so casually, but for Marc Leder, wanting to be one of the best is not simply a hyperbole. He really is aiming to be one of the best private equity investors ever. He has been pursuing this goal since 1995 when he and his partner Rodger Krouse established Sun Capital Partners Inc., a global private equity firm which specializes in helping struggling companies revive themselves. He certainly has a lot of experience to go for such a lofty goal. After graduating from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with…

Don’t Believe These 5 Retirement Investing Myths

Retirement is a marathon, not a sprint. According to Forbes, the average expected length of retirement is about 19 years for males and 21 years for females, assuming retirement at age 65. But 1 in 10 retirees live to see their 95th birthdays, and that proportion is likely to grow as medical screening and treatment improves. Planning for retirement is a marathon, too. You need to start early enough—and stay disciplined enough—to ensure that you have ample savings and income after hanging up your hat for good. Avoiding these five common retirement myths can help you beat the odds and…

What Are the Best Ways to Invest Your Cash?

What are the best ways to invest my money? I get asked this question a lot and the harsh truth is that every type of investment you could make carries with it a level of risk, there is no surefire way of guaranteeing profit, the trick is knowledge and timing. Timing is something that only a handful of people in the World can consistently get right, even investment giants like Merrill Lynch make investment errors, making mistakes is where the knowledge comes in, learning from mistakes you make and being smart enough to get out if quickly if they happen.…