Browsing CategoryStocks

Ways in Which You Can be Investing Your Money

So you’ve worked hard, you’ve saved your money well and now you are sitting on a lump sum of cash and you don’t know what to do with it, well we’re help to help you decide on what you should be doing with that extra cash that you have. You could of course, leave it there, save it for a rainy day, a far better option however is to put it to work, use the money you have to make even more through investments. If you are looking to invest some cash, then here are some great places that you…

How to beat the market in 2016

Like any other money making opportunity, everybody has a desire to make the maximum amount of money possible when they go to invest in the stock market. For all these proclamations though, it is very hard to beat the S&P average. Many professionals occasionally fail to do so, despite the knowledge they have of the stocks that they are picking. Over time though, it can be done, and in the paragraphs below, we will teach you how to become a winner in this financial arena. However, putting the majority of your assets in the care of a seasoned financial advisor such…

Questions Every New Investor Should Ask Themselves

There is no question that investing in the stock market can be a great way to grow your savings as you look ahead to retirement, but many people are understandably reluctant or wary of doing so because with the potential gains come the risk of losing a large portion of your hard-earned money. If you are considering getting into the stock market, experts like Charles Whitman Infinitum will tell you that there are several important questions that any new investor should ask themselves first. Who are you and why are you investing? This is perhaps the most important question that…

Three Ways to Invest in Commodities

We couldn’t live without commodities. Although the assets traded on the markets can sometimes seem unreal and abstracted, all of us can comprehend the reality of these investment instruments, and that’s why so many people choose to trade them. We understand the factors that drive their supply and demand, and thus we understand how the markets move. Yet it is not only their tangibility that is appreciated by traders. Commodities, whether food, energy, or metals, are also wonderful tools for diversification, and can really help to stabilise higher risk or overly narrow portfolios. If you’ve considered investing in them yourself,…

Easy set-up, easy investing: EZtrader

Are you a ‘glass half-full’ type of person, or do you see the glass half empty? That natural optimism or pessimism could be the key to unlocking profits when you trade with EZtrader, the service which specialises in binary options trading. The special thing about EZtrader’s binary options trading is that speculating on a rise (“call”) or fall (“put”) in value over a very short span of time – just seconds or minutes – can yield high percentage profits, even if the actual change in value is miniscule. You could see your money doubled when the actual value of an…